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Showing posts from March, 2009


The train thoughts are back and this time its noticing what American ways have influenced me; Colloquial:- - its not petrol anymore, its "gas" - not speaking as fast as i used to, there's a lot of pausing, especially in between my sentences. - usage of "like" in most places - "how much does it cost" rather than "what's the charge"? - potluck was new to me - query "how are you?" more often Customs:- - the voicemail dependence - salads for lunch time - the countless variety of break/milk and other basics aren't puzzling anymore - making appointments for every thing - paper towel usage (quite excessive) - ability to converse or make random comment with complete strangers just an observation, its all good! :-)

Visa tops industry! This is some good news for the day, amongst all the sad, disheartening economy and finance news that I am quite exhausted listening to... ugh,wish you a good day!