Earlier today I had a chance to read one of the articles by Chetan Bhagat on TOI. It was Mayawati's appearance in public wearing a garland made of money that was the main focus on his article besides the outrageous spending by some of the rich.I cannot agree more with Mr.Bhagat about how disgusting such an appearance is and how it could be a wrong message for the coming generation. Then it just struck me that people flashing their wealth in public is similar to somebody making a presentation using a hot pink font (or any fluorescent color for that matter). that flashy color is bound to hurt our eyes, shock us in the beginning but can't really do much about it! And while this goes on, the presenter enjoys teasing us just becau se they occupy the podium, even if its only for a temporary period. This is my idea of pleasure that probably the flashy rich get in public - loving the attention, irrespective if they are loved or hated. Note: I say "flashy rich" and ...